Monday, 16 June 2014



Catholic Youth Organization of Nigeria (CYON) is one of the statutory groups which is mandatory for all lay persons, the other two being the Catholic Men Organization of Nigeria (CMO) and Catholic Women Organization (CWO). They all form a virile and vibrant laity in the church. The CYON was established by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) in 1985. It was a response to the pope John Paul II’s request for youths to participate and celebrate the International Youth Year (IYY) declared by the United Nations.

By this establishment, the Church was not focused solely on the wisdom and wealth of elders but also the enthusiasm, energies and potential of the young mind. CYON offers a sense of belonging and a forum for fuller and active participation of the young mind, fundamental for their identity and mission. CYON offers young people the opportunity to be grouped into sexes, age groups and state of life for their respective formation, effective mobilization and the harnessing of gifts and talents.

CYON is an umbrella body which brings together ALL catholic young people (male and female) under the age bracket of 15-35 years of age. The organization embraces while respecting the autonomy of all other youth associations, societies and solidarities in the Church.

CYON affirms the place of youths in the church’s life and promotes, directs and evolves network of support for youths or as individuals for the support and development of the Church and the society. CYON lays emphasis on HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, youth EMPOWERMENT and CATECHESIS. She is committed to continuous development of the well being of the young persons through several activities and events.

With the parish as its primary base, CYON and this outlook is largely appropriate for the desired integration of all ranks of Catholic youths and students, traders, civil servants, young graduates, self employed, elites etc or members of Legion of Mary, Board of Lectors, Charistmatic, St Anthony, Altar Servers etc into a forum that would sensitize them and motivate them to their key role in the Church.

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